New found reason that proves that Dogs > Cats

Dogs helping a human


(I just want to start the article out with that I did not write the above article, I’m just posting a blog on MY views on the article.)

Welcome back to Dragonics blog, I’m back to doing blogs, and for 2016 I want to focus on reading more blogs on science, and history, and sports, and to kick off the new years I’m going to blog about man’s best friend. The dog!

They’re many reasons we like dogs. They do funny things like dry humping everything they see. The cuddle next to us when we sit down on the furniture. The love on us when it feels like we have nothing left in this world.  The last on in particular is a big reason we love having are animals. However debate has always been that do our dogs really love us?

When humans feel for other humans, we show a two things called sympathy, and empathy. Sympathy is where we feel sad or happy for others when they’re sad or happy. Empathy is where you understand what they’re going through emotionally, because you faced something similar.

Usually when we show empathy we usually mimic facial expressions, but we’re not the only ones. Orangutans do this too, and so do most species of ape.

Scientist in Italy did a study of several dogs in a dog park in Italy, and saw that dogs mimic other dogs while they’re playing. Not only movement but their facial expressions.  Scientist have study that since the copy movements are only followed by a fraction of a second. This suggest that the empathy feature on dogs is an innate ability. It’s something that they are born with. However it is not known if was bred in because the scientist have not study the dogs original cousin, wolves.

Just something that I’ve read, and please comment and subscribe, and like if you enjoyed the article.


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